Why Can’t I Measure Up? (January 7, 2024)
Tired Of Trying To Measure Up: Why Can’t I Measure Up? The Problem
With Shame & Shame-Based Systems
Shame denies God’s grace & claims that a person can only be valuable, worthy or
loved if they perform a prescribed set of morals, behaviors, or practices.
Matthew 11:28-30, Psalm 34:4-5
Q: Has your personality, identity, relationships, etc. been shaped by a sense of
shame? If so, how & what have the effects been?
Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple
who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational
mission) in everyday life?
Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from
just knowing to actually doing in your life?
Connect with God (UP)...
Q: How can an appropriate sense of guilt be a positive motivator for
transformation, but how can you avoid letting guilt turn into shame?
Q: Read Matthew 11:28-30. Why does Jesus seem so upset about religion or
culture heaping shame on to people?
Q: Read Ephesians 2:8-10. Why is it so important to understand that our
salvation is a giftfrom a loving & gracious God instead of from anything that
we’ve done to earn it?
Q: Why is it so easy to fall into the trap of trying to earn our relationship with
God & our identity instead of simply receiving it from Him?
Connect with Others (IN)...
Q: Review the ways that shame-based systems effect how we relate with those
around us, especially in the church. Do you see any of those in or around
you?If so, what can you/we do about it?
Connect with the World (OUT)...
Q: Read Psalm 34:4-5. How can you both live out this Truth and share it with
people around you?