Palm Sunday (March 14, 2024)
Palm Sunday
Jesus is the ONLY way to truly know God
Matthew 21:1-11, Zechariah 9:9, 14:3-9
Q: If you could envision the perfect King to follow, how would your
characterize him?
Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple
who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational
mission) in everyday life?
Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from
just knowing to actually doing in your life?
Connect with God (UP)...
Q: Read Matthew 21:1-11. What can you learn about Jesus’ character &
mission from this passage?
Q: The people seemed to go along with Jesus at first, but we know later they
turn on Him. Why can the temptation to turn away from or even turn on
Jesus be so strong?
Q: “Hosanna!” (“God save us now!”) had lost its meaning for many of the people
who sang it for Jesus. How can we make sure our prayer & worship doesn’t
become something robotic or meaningless?
Q: Read Zechariah 14:3-9. How does this OT prophesy help us understand the
significance of what Jesus did?
Connect with Others (IN)...
Q: The people in this passage miss the point of what was happening in front of
them. How can we remind each other to keep our worship & attention
focused on Jesus as King, Savior & Servant?
Connect with the World (OUT)...
Q: Zechariah 14 talks about how Jesus would bring His “holy ones” & that “life-
giving water flows out of Jerusalem”. How does this remind us of why we’re
here in this world & how can we share the life-giving water of Jesus in &
through our lives?