Live No Lies 3: The World - Sinful Society (January 19, 2025)
Live No Lies, Part 3: The World – Sinful Society
The Church is an alternative counter-culture that demonstrates the
Gospel to the world
John 3:16-17, Psalm 139:13-14, 1 John 2:15-16
Genesis 3:6, Matthew 4:1-10, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 2:15
John 17:14-18, Mark 8:34-35
Q: How would you describe “church” to someone who hasn’t heard of it?
Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple
who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational
mission) in everyday life?
Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from
just knowing to actually doing in your life?
Connect with God (UP)...
Q: Read 1 John 2:15-16. What does it mean to appreciate the world (God’s
creation) & love the world (people – John 3:16-17), but not the world (any
system that is anti-God)?
Q: Read John 17:14-18 & Mark 8:34-35. What does it mean to “pick up our
cross” & allow Jesus to send us out into the world? Does this fill you
excitement or dread? Why?
Q: What do you think about the quote: “It will cost us to follow Jesus, but it will
cost us far more to NOT follow Him.”
Connect with Others(IN)...
Q: How does it help to understand that “church” is both big & small
groups/relationships, as well as both gathering & scattering? How are we
doing well with these & how can we grow? How are you doing well & how
can you grow?
Connect with the World (OUT)...
Q: What are some practical ways that you/we as a church & as the Church live
out the call to be an alternative counter-culture that demonstrates the
Gospel to the world?
WORLD: (cosmos)
1) PLACE – planet, universe,
2) PEOPLE – humanity,
3)PRINCIPLES – system of ideas, values, morals & practicesthat are normalized &
integrated into mainstream & institutionalized into a culture that is corrupted by the
twin sins of rebelling against & denying God, and redefining good & evil. SIMPLE: any
system that is anti-God
CHURCH: (ekklesia) GATHERING, assembly of believers in private homes or public
spaces & SCATTERING throughout the world as the Body of Christ on mission
“The cause of all human miseries is a radical moral dislocation...We no longer get our
bearing form God. The old moral absolutes have been called into question. The new
authority is the authentic self, defined as desire and feelings. As a result, we’ve
completely lost a sense of direction other than our own inner emotional rudders,
which all too frequently leads us astray.” (“Live No Lies”, 208-209)
“It will cost us to follow Jesus, but it will cost us far more to NOT follow Him.”
(Bonhoeffer, “Cost of Discipleship”, paraphrased)
“(The Church is) a robust community of deep relationships that functions as a
counter-culture to the world. In doing so, we’re able to resist the gravitational pull of
all three enemies of the soul (devil, flesh, world). It’s a group on the margins of the
host culture, living in an alternative but compelling and beautiful way. A prophetic
signpost to Kingdom life in a culture of death...It’s not a community of comfort but of
calling...We need the anchor of Sunday gatherings to re-center our minds on Truth
and open our hearts back to God for healing and renewal. Every time we walk in on
Sunday and see other followers of Jesus all around me, I remember: I’m not alone. I’m
part fo the new humanity...ordinary and flawed as we may be.” (“Live No Lies”, 229-
“Frank Stephens’ POWERFUL Speech On Down Syndrome”