Jesus Is Greater: Warnings Against Unbelief (May 5, 2024)


Jesus Is Greater - Part 5: Warnings Against Unbelief


True belief in Christ will persevere through the tests & temptations of life


Hebrews 3:7-19, Psalm 95:7-11, Numbers 14, Jeremiah 17:9-10


Q: Have you ever "learned from a bad example"? How did choosing a different way lead to a different result?

Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple

who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational mission) in everyday life?

Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from just knowing to actually doing in your life?

Connect with God (UP)...

Q: Why does God test His people? What have the tests in your life revealed about your faith?

Q: What have you typically understood to be at the bottom (root) of your sin? How does your view/belief about God factor into this?

Q: We all say yes to things. Why is it so important that Jesus is our greatest YES?

Connect with Others (IN)...

Q: Do you have another believer who regularly encourages you in your faith? Why is this so important?

Q: How can the Body of Christ help each other avoid the pitfalls of unbelief and hardening of heart that Israel fell into?

Connect with the World (OUT)...

Q: In a world & society where many hearts are hardened towards God, how can you be part of God's plan to soften hearts towards Jesus?