Jesus Is Greater: Salvation through Jesus (April14, 2024)


Jesus Is Greater: Salvation through Jesus


Jesus is the trustworthy anchor for our souls


Hebrews 2:1-10, Psalm 8:4-6, Philippians 2:1-11


Q: Can you remember a time when God was trying to get your attention? What

was that experience like, and what did you learn from it?

Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple

who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational

mission) in everyday life?

Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from

just knowing to actually doing in your life?

Connect with God (UP)…

Q: What are some things in your life that make it difficult to hear God’s

message? What do you frequently entertain that distracts you from Jesus and

causes you to drift?

Q: How does the doctrine of Christ’s superiority in all things help us fight

against spiritual drift?

Q: What makes Christ’s incarnation and suffering (humanity) so important in

how he accomplished salvation for us?

Connect with Others (IN)…

Q: How is the church called to be unique in the culture around us? What

dangers come from allowing culture to shape the church rather than God’s


Connect with the World (OUT)…

Q: Why is the Gospel message so compelling? Knowing that all humans are

made in God’s image, how can you share God’s heart that he wants all people

to taste his glory for all eternity?