Jesus Is Greater: The Perfect Plan (July 7, 2024)


Jesus Is Greater - Part 12: The Perfect Plan


Jesus is both the source and the fulfillment of God's perfect plan: for God to permanently dwell among us.


Hebrews 9:1-28, Matthew 5:17-18


Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational mission) in everyday life?

Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from just knowing to actually doing in your life?

Connect with God (UP)...

Q: What are some disciplines, rituals, or practices that you participate in that point to a reality in God's kingdom?

Q: There's a lot about sacrifice and blood in this passage. How can we understand better the meaning and purpose behind Jesus' sacrifice, without communicating that God has a vengeful need for blood or retribution? How do we navigate it personally in our own thoughts?

Q: How is Jesus not just the best evolution of God's plan, but both the source and fulfillment of God's plan?

Q: Are their traditions, beliefs or practices that you hold on to that you maybe sense God is asking you to surrender? Is there a greater truth those things point to that Jesus wants you to embrace instead?

Connect with Others (IN)...

Q: Considering Jesus' example, what does it look like for you to demonstrate a

sacrificial love for others in your daily context?

Connect with the World (OUT)...

Q: How is today's message Good News for those who don't yet know Christ? Is there one person you could share this with?