Nursery (Birth - 2 years)

Two sitters will love on, play with, and entertain your little one. Your cell number is left for them to contact you if they have any needs.

Questions or info? Contact Nicole Quiring at (801) 828-8263

Seedlings (3 years - Kindergarten)

Seedlings can start in nursery during worship then transition to their classroom during the message. They have a great time with a Bible story, activity and craft. They use The Beginners Bible as they experience the love & truth of Jesus together.

Questions or info? Contact Millie Sechrist at (620) 877-0185

Sprouts (1st -6th grade)

Our Sprouts kids join the adults in the large group for worship and then are dismissed to their room during the message. Sprouts is a lively and interactive time to engage in a Bible story, crafts, games, and discussion. They are currently using the Gospel Project curriculum to walk through the Bible together.

Questions or info? Contact Kristin Selbman at (530) 391-6767

All kid’s ministry volunteers are screened with background checks prior to serving.

Scan QR code to get connected with the Girls of Grace Ministry (ages 7-12)