Advent: Peace (December 3, 2023)
Advent - PEACE
Jesus’ glory gives us peace
Luke 1:67-79, Isaiah 9:2,4-7, Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:19-20
John 14:27, Ephesians 2:14-19, Proverbs 16:7, John 13:35
Q: Why is peace such an important part of the Christmas story?
Q: How do the Scriptures/concepts from this week help you grow as a disciple
who loves God, loves people & serves the world (lives on incarnational
mission) in everyday life?
Q: Based on these Scriptures, how can you move from unbelief to belief, from
just knowing to actually doing in your life?
Connect with God (UP)…
Q: Read Romans 5:1. Would you say you are at peace with God? Why or why
Q: Read Luke 1:67-79 & Isaiah 9:2,5-7. Why do you think both Isaiah &
Zechariah used such strong language to describe what Jesus came to do to
give us peace with God?
Connect with Others (IN)…
Q: Read Ephesians 2:14-19 & John 13:35. Why is it so important that we
experience peace together within both the “church” & the “Church”? Why do
you think Satan attacks this so strongly?
Connect with the World (OUT)…
Q: Read Proverbs 16:7. The Bible speaks a ton about speaking & dealing very
strongly with sin & those opposed to God, but there are also many passages
about God’s mercy, forgiveness & love. How can I live a life of peace that
reflects Jesus in a powerful & compelling way?